
'Fighting For His Life' - The Journey from an Advanced Prostate cancer survivor to Advocating for Fellow Cancer Survivors...
A documentary about Advanced Prostate Cancer examined through the eyes of a patient, carer and medical professionals...

World File Carnival Singapore 2022 - Award of Merit
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About Alfred Samuels

My name is Alfred Samuels and I am aged 63, and reside in the United Kingdom. Nine years, ago a diagnosis of advanced metastatic prostate cancer stage 4, was handed down to me unexpectedly, untimely, and unwontedly. For the voiceless, I am the voice that echoes hope, motivation, and inspiration in the fight against the deadly disease of prostate cancer; a disease that disproportionately affects black men. I am an exceptional advocate who works tirelessly to make a difference and add the all-important patient voice to the conversation. I am highly motivated and extremely knowledgeable, which are winning combinations in making me a great patient leader!” I am an accomplished author who has penned two books namely, “Invincibility in the Face of Prostate Cancer: Coming out the Other Side, and Motivated to Inspire”, with the intention to inspire, motivate, uplift, and educate people about prostate cancer. Through my books, it is my wish to influence people and make them realise the value of the information that I have recorded. Since being diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in 2012, I have dedicated myself to raising awareness of the importance of research. To that end, I have thrown myself into patient involvement, becoming a media volunteer, a cancer campaigns ambassador, Cancer Research UK’s Involvement Network, and a member of both The Research & Strategy Cancer Insights Panel and Corporate Focus Strategy Group. I am determined to help break down barriers to engagement amongst the Black British community and I am a strong believer in peer-to-peer advocacy.



Invincibility in the Face of Prostate Cancer: Coming out the Other Side

Throughout his extensive career Alfred Samuels was a bodyguard to some the world's most recognised celebrities. He was a physically active and mentally alert individual who provided the needs of his particular industry over many years. In January 2012 his world came to a sudden and unforeseeable halt when he was diagnosed with advanced metastatic prostate cancer, stage four. Alfred Samuels honest and frank account is one part of his mission to challenge men's attitudes and the taboo surrounding prostate cancer.

Motivated To Inspire

London, England – According to the National Cancer Institute, 11.6% of all men throughout the world will develop some form of prostate cancer within their lifetime. It does not just happen to senior citizens who are over 62 years of age. It can also happen to those in their 30s, 40s and 50s too. Alfred Samuels learned that the hard way after he was diagnosed with advanced metastatic prostate cancer early on in his life. Now, 9 years later, his cancer is been managed well and he is living a reasonably active life while counselling other people who are dealing with the symptoms and struggles of prostate cancer as well.


• Cancer ranks as a leading cause of death and an important barrier to increasing life expectancy in every country of the world – According to estimates from the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2019.

• Cancer is the first or second leading cause of death before the age of 70-years in 112 of 183 countries and ranks third or fourth in a further 23 countries.

• Cancer’s rising prominence as a leading cause of death partly reflects marked declines in mortality rates of stroke and coronary heart disease, relative to cancer, in many countries.


• 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.

• 1 in 4 Black men will be diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.

• Black men are 75% more likely to develop Prostate Cancer than caucasian men and are more than twice as likely to die from the disease.

• Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer among men in the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

• Cancer ranks as a leading course of death and an important barrier to increasing life expectancy in every country of the world

For websites that help and support people Affected by cancer and its treatment

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